Suggestion Wiki

  • Champions no longer gain gold or experience.
  • Champion levels and ability ranks removed.
    • All abilities are placed on cooldown on first spawn.
  • Damage reworked:
    • Armor and magic resistance removed from the game.
    • Damage types removed: all damage dealt and received is simply labeled "damage", with no further distinction unless specified.
  • Base health regeneration removed from the game.
  • All secondary resource bars set to 100.
    • All mana regeneration set to 1 per second.
    • All energy regeneration set to 5 per second.
  • Movement speed increased across the board:
    • All ranged champions now have an additional 45 movement speed, unless specified otherwise.
    • All melee champions now have an additional 95 movement speed, unless specified otherwise.
  • All remaining stats adjusted accordingly.

  • Keystones removed from the game.
  • Items removed from the game.
  • Runes removed from the game.
  • Summoner spells removed from the game.
  • New customization system - Paths:
    • At the beginning of the match, each player is presented a set of paths for their champion, from which they can choose. In most circumstances, only one path can be chosen, and this choice is permanent for the rest of the match.
    • Each path confers a unique set of bonuses to the champion, such as modifications to their stats and abilities, rewards for completing specific objectives, limited buffs, and additional passive and active effects.
    • Paths are specific to individual champions, maps and game modes -- choosing another option out of any of these will present a different set of paths to choose from, tailored to the situation. They do, however, remain constant in the same scenarios: choosing Tryndamere on a normal game of Summoner's Rift, for example, will always offer the player the same choice of paths.

  • Jungle:
    • Individual monster mechanics reworked (in progress).
    • Each non-buff camp now provides its own reward to the killer or their team upon being cleared (in progress).
    • All jungle buffs reworked (in progress)
    • Monster stats adjusted, overall nerfed.
    • Monsters no longer gain stats over time or have levels.
    • Large monsters no longer restore health or mana upon being killed unless specified otherwise.
  • Plants:
    • New plants added to function as static, vision-based objectives (in progress).
  • Structures:
    • Structure mechanics reworked (in progress).
    • Buildings no longer regenerate health.
    • Nexus turrets removed.
    • Structures can now take damage from abilities, and act as units for collision purposes, though are immune to all crowd control unless specified otherwise.
  • Howling Abyss:
    • Health Relics removed.

  • All champions are now freely available from the start.
  • Influence Points removed from the game.
  • Champion Shards and Permanents removed from the game.
  • Champion Essence removed from the game.
  • Champion mastery reworked:
    • Champion mastery progression is now split into two components: progression until the next threshold, which is made by accruing experience with that champion through play, and progression to the next level, which is made by earning a number of scores of S- or greater on that champion in a matchmade game.
    • Each S- or greater matchmade score accrued on that champion is recorded as a separate resource. Progression to the next mastery level requires and consumes a number of those scores equal to the next mastery's level. For example, progressing to Mastery Level 6 requires the player to earn a score of S- or greater on that champion in a matchmade game 6 times, and progression to that point would require a total of 21 of those scores.
  • Riot Points reworked:
    • Cosmetic Essence renamed to Essence.
    • All RP converted to Essence, at a rate of 1 RP per 3 Essence.
    • All purchaseable items can now be directly and permanently unlocked with Essence, at an Essence cost of triple the item's RP value.
    • Monetary purchases now grant Essence rather than RP, providing Essence equal to three times the RP that would normally be purchased.
  • Summoner level reworked:
    • Summoner level renamed to Player Mastery.
    • Player Mastery is represented by a level representing the sum of their mastery across all champions.
    • Player Mastery is calculated as the sum of all experience accrued on any champion, with each champion's experience pool multiplied by their champion mastery level.
  • Ward skins now drop on top of destroyed structures as a cosmetic, with the dropped ward belonging to whoever landed the last hit.

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